Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage
The study identified all relevant elements for successful 3D digitisation and made an inventory of existing formats, standards, guidelines and methodologies.
Commission recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage
First published a recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage. The aim is to accelerate the digitisation of cultural heritage assets.
Best practice
CARARE metadata schema
The CARARE metadata schema is designed to capture metadata about an organisation’s online collections, heritage assets and their digital resources.
TryOnCulture: Web-based AR visualisation of fashion heritage objects
This app enables users to explore and interact with fashion artefacts from various eras through web browsers and AR devices.
ICE technologies for converting BIM and H-BIM into semantic data
The INCEPTION Core Engine (ICE) is a technology framework that enhances BIM and H-BIM, converting 3D elements into semantic triples using dedicated ontologies.
3D web viewer specialised for BIM models
A 3D WebGL viewer for navigating 3D data (Collada and BIM models). The viewer has been developed as a WASM (Web Assembly) solution, which makes it easy to embed
AI reasoning engine exploiting semantic triples for H-BIM
AI technique applied to H-BIM to add more knowledge to the model by exploiting metadata and media already available on Europeana and external knowledge bases.
Services for aggregation of 3D content using MINT
MINT is a web based platform that designed to facilitate aggregation initiatives for cultural heritage content and metadata in Europe.
4D Browser User guide
The 4D Browser lets users experience city history virtually and go on an exploration tour.
Essential Guide to 3D Digitised Heritage
Series of 3 introductory webinars on 3D Digitised Cultural Heritage for cultural heritage professionals, researchers, volunteers and others, delivered by CARARE
Case study: Reusing 3D fashion heritage for interactive exhibitions in Social VR
5Dculture's June 2024 exhibit showcased digitized garments of rare and unique fashion pieces from Dutch museums and NISV archives in a social VR experience.
EUreka3D Final Booklet and conference recordings
The publication entitled “EUreka3D: Good Practices for the 3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage” is now available alongside videos from final conference.
The WEAVEx tool for digital curation and storytelling
WEAVEx is a web-based tool for managing digital content in different formats alongside content from, allowing people to create digital experiences
3D Heritage - 3D viewer
The 3D web viewer of 3D Heritage portal ( enables visualization of 3D models, stored and hosted at Arctur’s storage capacities.
3D Heritage portal moves into testing
3D Heritage platform and viewer testing starts! Public portal ( gets new UI, while storage sees upload/view improvements and annotation tools.
Handbook on Digital Innovation of Cultural Heritage
The handbook covers interdisciplinary aspects of 3D digitization, digital interpretation, tourism development and storytelling.
Digital Innovation of Cultural Heritage in Slovenia: An Overview
The document summarizes the main activities and results of the Slovenian national initiative on digital innovation in Cultural Heritage (2019 to 2022)
An innovative tool that predicts building heights and creates dynamic 3D cityscapes using AI and vectorized historical maps.
A tool for creating AR applications that bring historical photos to life in urban spaces, transforming static images into immersive storytelling.
MINT: a tool in CARARE's aggregation service
CARARE’s instance of MINT supports metadata harvesting/upload, analysis, mapping (to EDM and/or CMS), validation and publication to CARARE’s REPOX service.
3D Heritage - 3D asset manager and storage capabilities
Storage part of the 3D Heritage portal ( enable storage and management of large 3D models of cultural heritage.
Share3D Dashboard: a tool for metadata capture and aggregation
The Share3D Dashboard is a free and easy to use tool for metadata capture and aggregation of 3D content, to share 3D models with Europeana and the data space.
Enhancing Historical Photos: 5DCulture's New Photo Enhancement Tool
A new tool to colourize and create 3D effects on historical photos is under development within the 5DCulture project and will soon be shared with the community
Repox Flow: a tool in CARARE's aggregation service
Repox Flow provides a metadata store for CARARE content providers and offers services including metadata validation, enrichment and delivery to Europeana.
Conference Digitalisation in Open-Air Museums and Reconstructions
EXARC and Museum Batavialand (NL) are organising a conference Digitalisation in Open-Air Museums and Reconstructions, 11 to 13 September, Lelystad, Netherlands
Exhibition at the Central Museum Utrecht featuring our fitting experience
Our 5D digital hat face filter will be featured in an upcoming exhibition at the Central Museum Utrecht, opening on May 8th
Developing Enhanced and Enriched 3D Models of Cultural Heritage Assets
This document is a paper published in ISPRS Archives - volume XLVIII-2/W4-2024. This is the proceedings of 3D-ARCH, 10th International ISPRS / CIPA Workshop
Vivid History
An AI-powered tool for automatic colorization and 3D effects, turning historical photos and images into lifelike, dynamic visuals.
5Dculture Press Release
News about the Social VR installation "Fashion Beneath the Skin" at Sound & Vision (26-28 June 2024)
Tourism 4.0 Technical guidelines: Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
The guidelines offer a technical framework to all actors involved in digitisation processes
Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture webinar series
Series of webinars on 3D digitisation of cultural heritage delivered by experts of the 4CH Competence Centre for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Pre-processing images for photogrammetry
Document outlines the pipeline used by the Discovery Programme in the preprocessing of imagery to improve photogrammetric processing and archiving of raw data
D2.2 - 5Dculture technologies, components, tools and services
This document is the deliverable D2.2 of the project “5Dculture – Deploying and Demonstrating a 3D cultural heritage space” project.
Twin it! Campaign
Under Twin it!, the Ministries of Culture of the EU are invited to liaise with their national cultural institutions to submit one 3D digitised heritage asset.
2023 Insights into European Cultural Heritage Sector
In 2023, 42 national or regional museums and heritage institutions participated a to survey to better understand the challenges of the sector.
Europeana publishing guide for 3D content
Aspects to keep in mind when starting digitising 3D, summarised by the Expert Group on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana
Publication: Handbook of Digital 3D Reconstruction of Historical Architecture
Open Access publication on digital 3D reconstruction of historical architecture