
ICE technologies for converting BIM and H-BIM into semantic data

The INCEPTION Core Engine (ICE) is a technology framework that enhances BIM and H-BIM, converting 3D elements into semantic triples using dedicated ontologies.

Main features and benefits

ICE (Inception Core Engine) technologies can be applied to Building Information Model (BIM), including those created for Historical Buildings (H-BIM), that have to be provided as an IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) standard file. 

ICE technologies decompose the whole BIM model interpreting each 3D element as a single entity that can be connected to a specific knowledge. The approach consists of transforming the information stored in the BIM model of a monument or a site into semantic triples exploiting a dedicated ontology. 

Once the 3D elements and related information are transformed into triples, all of these are stored in a semantic triple store that is accessed via HTTP through a dedicated Apache Fuseki SPARQL server.

INCEPTION Core Engine (ICE) technologies can power web applications that allow users to enrich their models with new semantic metadata. Indeed, the web client allows to enrich the models with new data (e.g., a date, a value, some textual remarks) as well as attachments (e.g. pictures, thermographic images, 3D models of specific details, videos, etc.), all of which are related to the CH site or a specific geometrical element. The INCEPTION technologies exploit Europeana APIs in the model enrichment (retrieving metadata and content that can enrich the BIM model) and are able to generate XML according to EDM for further publishing of the BIM models.

Drafted by astan | Released 2 months ago | Last updated 2 months ago